Prophet Muhammad SAW Said
" Recite the Quran for on the day of resurrection it will come as an intercessor for those who recite it."
[Shahih Muslim: 804 (1874)]

The saying of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that "Recite the Quran for on the Day of Resurrection it will come as an intercessor for those who recite it" holds profound significance in Islamic tradition and highlights the immense blessings and rewards of engaging with the Quran.
In this Hadith, the Prophet emphasizes the importance of regularly reciting the Quran and establishing a strong connection with it throughout one's life. The Quran, as the word of Allah, is not just a book of guidance but a source of immense spiritual and moral benefit for Muslims.
The concept of the Quran interceding for those who recite it on the Day of Resurrection signifies its role as an advocate and supporter for those who made an effort to understand, memorize, and live by its teachings. It will stand as a witness on their behalf, testifying to their commitment to Allah's guidance and their efforts to follow His commands.
Reciting the Quran is not merely about the act of reading words on a page but understanding, internalizing, and implementing its teachings in daily life. By doing so, individuals not only gain wisdom and spiritual insight but also earn the Quran's intercession, which will be a source of mercy and a means of attaining Allah's forgiveness and favor on the Day of Judgment.
This Hadith serves as a reminder for Muslims to maintain a deep and continuous connection with the Quran, making it an integral part of their lives. It encourages the recitation, reflection, and practice of its teachings as a means to attain Allah's pleasure and salvation in the Hereafter. It underscores the Quran's unique role as a divine guide and intercessor, emphasizing its significance in the life of a believer.